Pet accessories are an important part of taking care of your dog. Generally we use accessories to accentuate the beauty of things. When it comes to pet care accessories are used to protect your pet from harmful elements. You can also gain a lot of satisfaction from buying accessories for you pet. There is a wide variety to choose from and you might wonder where to start, particularly if this is your first pet.
dog supplies, beds, accessories for pets, pets, dogs for sale, puppies for sale, before buying a puppy
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Pet accessories are an important part of taking care of your dog. Generally we use accessories to accentuate the beauty of things. When it comes to pet care accessories are used to protect your pet from harmful elements. You can also gain a lot of satisfaction from buying accessories for you pet. There is a wide variety to choose from and you might wonder where to start, particularly if this is your first pet.
Here are some tips on what to look for when choosing accessories for your pet:
1. Food and water bowls:
The most important thing about choosing good bowls is that they are not easily tipped over. You will probably want to check that especially the water bowl is pretty sturdy. It's vital that your dog has free access to water at all times and one of the ways people are doing this is by buying large water systems for their pets. Much like human watering systems these will keep your dog with fresh water for longer.
2. Dog Collar:
Whether you want a plain or fancy variety - collars are important and will be an item you use daily. This means the comfort and fit are important. Experts recommend a space between the dog’s neck and the collar to be at least 2 fingers wide. A collar should never be too loose or too tight. Make sure you get a good fit and take your dog along when you buying a collar.
3. Dog leash:
It's not hard to choose a leash - you just want to keep in mind that it needs to be strong enough to hold your dog. Leashes are often sold clearly marked with the breeds the leash is suitable for.
4. Grooming accessories:
Depending on the kind of breed you have the amount of grooming accessories needed will vary.
If you have a dog that will need relatively little grooming, that is with a short coat, then you will need only a basic toolkit.
You will need
- dog shampoo
- dog clippers
- styptic powder
- dog toothbrush
- dog toothpaste
- dog brush or comb
These are the basics. There are many other products you can use to keep your dog clean and fragrant. If you have a more high maintenance dog you will need these plus a wider variety of brushes and combs to care for your pets coat and grooming needs.
5. Dog houses:
If your dog will be sleeping outside then it’s important that they have their own place for shelter. A dog house will keep your dog out of the harsh sunlight or rain or even snow. When choosing a dog house try to choose the right size. The dog should fit snuggly inside with enough space to move around.
6. Dog beds:
If your dog will be spending time inside it's also a good idea to buy a dog bed. This gives your dog a 'retreat' and they will value having their own comfy space where they can go when cold or sleepy. Again just try to choose the right size. Many dog beds are designed for specific breeds so you won't have a problem finding a bed for your dog.
7. Dog toys and treats:
Most dogs love playing, and just like children, love being spoilt. It is especially important if you are away for long periods of time that your dog has something to play with. It's best to give them a variety of toys; this will keep them away from your slippers!
Again the most important thing is the size. Treats and toys should be size appropriate. If the toy is too big they won't be able to play with it and it won't be fun for anyone.
There is a wide variety of toys for you dog to chew, play and bite. Spend some time choosing some fun toys for your dog.
These are the most important accessories you will need for your dog. There are many more things you could buy your dog but by catering for the items on this list your dog should have everything he needs to be a healthy, happy dog.
This is Churchill, our Lovely Pet Dog, He Changed Our Lifes. By The Time, I Learned Usefull Things About Pet Dogs, Things That I Want To Share In This Blog. Please Comment On My Posts, Thanks
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Arthritis In Dogs – What You Can Do To Help Your Dog
Canine Arthritis is a common ailment as dog’s age. It is similar to humans as calcification and inflammation cause joint pain and reduced activity. Some forms of arthritis like Canine Hip Dysplasia can develop early in life due to genetics and diet. Fortunately, arthritis in dogs can be treated.
Treatments for canine arthritis range from natural supplements using chondroitin and glucosamine, to veterinary prescribed drugs such as Rimadyl and Deramaxx. Studies and actual results have shown that natural supplements can be extremely effective in fighting the effects of arthritis in dogs without the potentially dangerous side effects of Rimadyl and Deramaxx. Before deciding which treatment option is best for your dog, you should observe the signs of dog arthritis.
Signs of Dog Arthritis
1. Limping and general reduced activity.
2. Favoring one or both of the front or back limbs.
3. Morning activity or cold weather makes the dog less active.
4. Difficulty rising from a resting position, especially in the morning.
5. Pain to the touch.
6. Reluctance to jump.
If you suspect your dog has arthritis, you should know the different forms or types of arthritis. The most common disorders are listed below.
Types of Dog Arthritis
1. Osteoarthritis – Also known as canine arthritis or dog arthritis, it is the most common form of arthritis and most easily treated. Develops slowly as the dog ages.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis - This is an immune mediated disease and can affect the whole body. Several joints can be affected and the lameness can come and go without notice. Considered a more serious condition than dog osteoarthritis.
3. Degenerative Disc Disease - This is where the discs in the vertebrae develop calcification and become rigid. They become less able to withstand compression. This can lead to a severe injury and paralysis if the discs rupture or become herniated.
4. Stifle Joint Disorder - This is a condition in which the knee and joint becomes unstable. This is usually from a stretched or torn ligament. This can also cause the joint cartilage to become damaged and inflamed.
5. Canine Hip Dysplasia - This is caused by looseness in the socket connecting the thighbone and hipbone. This development usually occurs when the dog is young but can develop at any age. A common sign is to hear a clicking sound when the dog walks.
Treatment Options
1. Natural Supplements – Most natural supplements use chondroitin and/or glucosamine as its primary ingredient. All of the glucosamine forms originate and are extracted from shellfish.Chrondroitin is derived from animal cartilage. Many products like Free and Easy for Dogs use glucosamine and chondroitin and combine additional supplements to provide a synergistic effect. Besides glucosamine and chondroitin, some of the more popular and effective supplements added are msm, ester-c, and hyaluronic acid. Many studies have been done which have proved the effectiveness of these supplements in humans. Dog owners have also reported many positive outcomes for their dogs using these natural supplements.
2. Rimadyl & Deramaxx - These drugs are obtained by prescription only. They are called NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Rimadyl was introduced by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in January 1997 to help treat dogs with inflammation and pain associated with surgery or canine arthritis. It is effective but it must be used with caution. Search Google for "What Your Vet May Not Tell You About Rimadyl" for more detailed information. At a minimum, you need to have blood work done to monitor the liver enzymes to ensure your dog doesn't have a toxic reaction to the drugs.
3. Surgery - Surgery can be an easy decision or a very difficult decision. Often, money is a concern and some surgeries like disc surgery can cost around $3,500. Often, the age of the dog has to be considered when making this decision. And the outlook and prognosis is very important. You do not want the dog to suffer unnecessarily. At the very least, you should only consider surgery after ensuring an accurate diagnosis has been made. This may involve taking x-rays and a myelogram. A myelogram is done by injecting dye in the spinal canal to enable your doctor to detect abnormalities of the spine, spinal cord, or surrounding structures.
Summary - Dog Arthritis can be a very debilitating disease if left untreated. Dog owners should pay close attention to their animals and take prompt action when symptoms are noticed. Often a natural supplement is all that is needed to help your dog. Sometimes more aggressive treatments are needed such as surgery. The most important thing is to notice and diagnose the problem and then decide what treatment is best for your dog.
Copyright 2006 William Smith
Treatments for canine arthritis range from natural supplements using chondroitin and glucosamine, to veterinary prescribed drugs such as Rimadyl and Deramaxx. Studies and actual results have shown that natural supplements can be extremely effective in fighting the effects of arthritis in dogs without the potentially dangerous side effects of Rimadyl and Deramaxx. Before deciding which treatment option is best for your dog, you should observe the signs of dog arthritis.
Signs of Dog Arthritis
1. Limping and general reduced activity.
2. Favoring one or both of the front or back limbs.
3. Morning activity or cold weather makes the dog less active.
4. Difficulty rising from a resting position, especially in the morning.
5. Pain to the touch.
6. Reluctance to jump.
If you suspect your dog has arthritis, you should know the different forms or types of arthritis. The most common disorders are listed below.
Types of Dog Arthritis
1. Osteoarthritis – Also known as canine arthritis or dog arthritis, it is the most common form of arthritis and most easily treated. Develops slowly as the dog ages.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis - This is an immune mediated disease and can affect the whole body. Several joints can be affected and the lameness can come and go without notice. Considered a more serious condition than dog osteoarthritis.
3. Degenerative Disc Disease - This is where the discs in the vertebrae develop calcification and become rigid. They become less able to withstand compression. This can lead to a severe injury and paralysis if the discs rupture or become herniated.
4. Stifle Joint Disorder - This is a condition in which the knee and joint becomes unstable. This is usually from a stretched or torn ligament. This can also cause the joint cartilage to become damaged and inflamed.
5. Canine Hip Dysplasia - This is caused by looseness in the socket connecting the thighbone and hipbone. This development usually occurs when the dog is young but can develop at any age. A common sign is to hear a clicking sound when the dog walks.
Treatment Options
1. Natural Supplements – Most natural supplements use chondroitin and/or glucosamine as its primary ingredient. All of the glucosamine forms originate and are extracted from shellfish.Chrondroitin is derived from animal cartilage. Many products like Free and Easy for Dogs use glucosamine and chondroitin and combine additional supplements to provide a synergistic effect. Besides glucosamine and chondroitin, some of the more popular and effective supplements added are msm, ester-c, and hyaluronic acid. Many studies have been done which have proved the effectiveness of these supplements in humans. Dog owners have also reported many positive outcomes for their dogs using these natural supplements.
2. Rimadyl & Deramaxx - These drugs are obtained by prescription only. They are called NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Rimadyl was introduced by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in January 1997 to help treat dogs with inflammation and pain associated with surgery or canine arthritis. It is effective but it must be used with caution. Search Google for "What Your Vet May Not Tell You About Rimadyl" for more detailed information. At a minimum, you need to have blood work done to monitor the liver enzymes to ensure your dog doesn't have a toxic reaction to the drugs.
3. Surgery - Surgery can be an easy decision or a very difficult decision. Often, money is a concern and some surgeries like disc surgery can cost around $3,500. Often, the age of the dog has to be considered when making this decision. And the outlook and prognosis is very important. You do not want the dog to suffer unnecessarily. At the very least, you should only consider surgery after ensuring an accurate diagnosis has been made. This may involve taking x-rays and a myelogram. A myelogram is done by injecting dye in the spinal canal to enable your doctor to detect abnormalities of the spine, spinal cord, or surrounding structures.
Summary - Dog Arthritis can be a very debilitating disease if left untreated. Dog owners should pay close attention to their animals and take prompt action when symptoms are noticed. Often a natural supplement is all that is needed to help your dog. Sometimes more aggressive treatments are needed such as surgery. The most important thing is to notice and diagnose the problem and then decide what treatment is best for your dog.
Copyright 2006 William Smith
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
6 Great Tips For Getting Your Dog Toilet Trained
One of the toughest jobs that a family faces when a new puppy comes home is getting the dog housebroken. This means that the dog will eliminate outdoors and not use your home and furnishings as a toilet. Lots of people think that getting doggy toilet trained is a tough task, but it doesn’t need to be. If you arm yourself with plenty of information for the best ways to get your dog house trained, you are on the right path to having a dog that goes to the bathroom where you want him to go.
When to House Train
A dog can be toilet trained at any age, but the best age to begin is between eight and twelve weeks old. If you set up a housebreaking routine as soon as you bring your puppy home, before long he will get the right idea of where to do his business. A crate is a great tool for toilet training a puppy. It keeps him confined when there is no supervision and most dogs learn quickly that if they make in their crate they will have to sit in it. Most dogs are fairly hygienic and won’t enjoy having to sit in dog doody or urine.
The Advantages of Using a Crate
Be sure there is enough room in the crate for your pup to turn around, but don't leave so much room that he will be able to eliminate and lie down far away from it. Many dog owners view a crate as a jail cell or to use as punishment, but your dog will love having his own space where he can escape from the hustle and bustle of the household for some quiet time. Make your dogs crate a happy place and don’t use it for punishment. You can feed your dog in the crate, or while he is in there, offer him some treats. Place a favorite chewy or toy in there with him, add blankets and he will have a cozy den to escape to whenever he feels the need. Utilizing a crate for your dog can keep him out of trouble and not only in housebreaking.
Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Keeping a close eye on your puppy is a key factor in getting him properly housetrained. Whenever you see that he is sniffing, circling or beginning to squat, immediately take him outside to the place where you want him to go and see if he eliminates. If he does, praise him lavishly. A good idea is to have a cue, such as “hurry up” so that your puppy knows what you want him to do. When he is going to the bathroom repeat the cue and then give your dog lots of praise for a job well done. It is better to take the dog out and nothing happens then take a chance of an accident happening.
Have a Schedule
Feeding, watering and walking your dog on a regular schedule will make housebreaking that much easier. Puppies are like children and they thrive on a routine. Try and take the dog out around the same time everyday so they will be able to adjust their bodily functions. The first thing you should do in the morning is take the puppy from the crate and don’t let his feet touch the ground. Bring him to the place where you want him to go, give the cue, and praise upon a successful completion. Take your puppy out at least every two hours, after eating or drinking and especially after play. Before you know it, your puppy will be letting you know it is time to go out and do his business.
Don't Let the Puppy Roam
Letting your puppy roam around the house is a sure fire way to have accidents. If you have decided you don't want to use a crate, and even if you do use one, confining the dog to certain areas of the house can make housetraining easier for everyone. It is difficult to keep track of a puppy when he has the run of the house, but if you gate him in the kitchen, he will still be able to be part of the action and can be better supervised in case of an accident.
Don’t Get Discouraged
There will be times when you first begin housetraining that you feel your pup is just not getting it. He may have accidents in the house as well on occasion. There is no need to be discouraged. If you stick to your routine, keep a good eye on the dog and make frequent outings to his outdoor bathroom, in no time your puppy will be housebroken. Another good idea is to use the same door all the time when you are taking him out so that when he has to go, he will scratch on the door to be let out. Once this happens, you can say hurray and know that your puppy truly is beginning to understand that going to the bathroom in the house is a no-no.
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When to House Train
A dog can be toilet trained at any age, but the best age to begin is between eight and twelve weeks old. If you set up a housebreaking routine as soon as you bring your puppy home, before long he will get the right idea of where to do his business. A crate is a great tool for toilet training a puppy. It keeps him confined when there is no supervision and most dogs learn quickly that if they make in their crate they will have to sit in it. Most dogs are fairly hygienic and won’t enjoy having to sit in dog doody or urine.
The Advantages of Using a Crate
Be sure there is enough room in the crate for your pup to turn around, but don't leave so much room that he will be able to eliminate and lie down far away from it. Many dog owners view a crate as a jail cell or to use as punishment, but your dog will love having his own space where he can escape from the hustle and bustle of the household for some quiet time. Make your dogs crate a happy place and don’t use it for punishment. You can feed your dog in the crate, or while he is in there, offer him some treats. Place a favorite chewy or toy in there with him, add blankets and he will have a cozy den to escape to whenever he feels the need. Utilizing a crate for your dog can keep him out of trouble and not only in housebreaking.
Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Keeping a close eye on your puppy is a key factor in getting him properly housetrained. Whenever you see that he is sniffing, circling or beginning to squat, immediately take him outside to the place where you want him to go and see if he eliminates. If he does, praise him lavishly. A good idea is to have a cue, such as “hurry up” so that your puppy knows what you want him to do. When he is going to the bathroom repeat the cue and then give your dog lots of praise for a job well done. It is better to take the dog out and nothing happens then take a chance of an accident happening.
Have a Schedule
Feeding, watering and walking your dog on a regular schedule will make housebreaking that much easier. Puppies are like children and they thrive on a routine. Try and take the dog out around the same time everyday so they will be able to adjust their bodily functions. The first thing you should do in the morning is take the puppy from the crate and don’t let his feet touch the ground. Bring him to the place where you want him to go, give the cue, and praise upon a successful completion. Take your puppy out at least every two hours, after eating or drinking and especially after play. Before you know it, your puppy will be letting you know it is time to go out and do his business.
Don't Let the Puppy Roam
Letting your puppy roam around the house is a sure fire way to have accidents. If you have decided you don't want to use a crate, and even if you do use one, confining the dog to certain areas of the house can make housetraining easier for everyone. It is difficult to keep track of a puppy when he has the run of the house, but if you gate him in the kitchen, he will still be able to be part of the action and can be better supervised in case of an accident.
Don’t Get Discouraged
There will be times when you first begin housetraining that you feel your pup is just not getting it. He may have accidents in the house as well on occasion. There is no need to be discouraged. If you stick to your routine, keep a good eye on the dog and make frequent outings to his outdoor bathroom, in no time your puppy will be housebroken. Another good idea is to use the same door all the time when you are taking him out so that when he has to go, he will scratch on the door to be let out. Once this happens, you can say hurray and know that your puppy truly is beginning to understand that going to the bathroom in the house is a no-no.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
All Dog Foods Are Not The Same
Your dog’s health and wellbeing is important to you and your family. Not to mention keeping down the cost of veterinarian bills! So you need to carefully consider the food that you give your dog. People sometimes just pick the first dog food bag they see at the store. It’s easy to overlook the importance of dog food but it is essential to pick the right one for your dog.
To keep your dog healthy he needs plenty of fresh water and should be fed good quality dog food in amounts just right to meet his energy requirements. Always follow the guidelines on the dog food package for recommended feeding amounts.
Picking a dog food
The first challenge in choosing a dog food is picking one that has overall quality. The term that comes up a lot about dog food is human grade. Human grade implies that the dog food is good enough for us to eat. Many commercial dog foods are made from materials unusable or less desirable for human consumption. Often the meat that is used in dog food is of a quality considered unfit for humans to eat.
Major dog food companies try to provide balanced proportions of vitamins and minerals for maximum benefit to your dog. Although you may see that many brands of dog food have almost identical labels, a reputable dog food company will provide an explanation for each supplement and how it benefits your dog.
Always read the label to see what proteins, vitamins and minerals are being provided to your dog. Try not to use store brand dog food they may short change your dog on much needed nutrition.
Studies have shown that the primary ingredient in dog food should be meat-based protein, not corn meal, flour or corn gluten meal. According to reviews a better quality dog food results in a healthier coat, fewer digestive problems and firmer stools. Pet-nutrition experts agree that the best dog food is made from human-grade ingredients like meat, whole grains and vegetables. Premium dog food is so important because good nutrition is essential for a long, healthy life.
Types of dog food
There are many varieties of dog food to choose from. The three most popular types of dog foods are dry, semi-moist and canned products. Check the color of your dog food. Usually dog food made from natural ingredients will have soft earth tones and contain no preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.
Raw dog food is becoming more popular. More and more veterinarians recommend feeding your dog with raw dog food. They feel that this is the best choice and is the healthiest food for your dog. After all, you've never seen your dog enjoy commercial dog food the way he enjoys a good meaty bone.
Raw food advocates concede the diet costs more than traditional dog food, but they argue it's worth it. You may find that locating free natural home made dog food recipes is not easy. Try making a mixture of ground turkey, rice and carrot as your own dog food. Your dog will thank you for it.
If you decide to go the commercial route, try and choose a good premium dog food since it contains more energy and protein than an economy brand. Unfortunately not all dog food brands contain high quality and natural ingredients, so always check the label. It is best if you seek advice from your veterinarian before deciding on which dog food to feed your dog or puppy. He will know your dog’s dietary needs and you will find that veterinary offices and feed stores often carry excellent and natural dog food.
All Natural Dog Food
Many natural dog foods contain only fresh, natural and wholesome ingredients for your dog. Not only are the protein ingredients digestible, but the carbohydrates in the dog food are digestible. Natural dog food has 100% nutritional value which is important for healthy strong dogs. Chicken, egg and fish are examples of protein that is provided in natural dog food. There are also ingredients in natural dog food that really help the health of your dog’s skin and also your dog’s coat. One of the main draw backs of natural dog food is that it has a shorter shelf life and may spoil before it is used.
Dried Dog Food
A good high quality dry dog food will work out to be more economical than the generic brands even though they cost more per pound. A vast majority of dog owners go for dry dog food for its convenience and ease of storage. The cheaper dry dog foods are made from soybean, corn or rice, while many premium dry dog foods are made with all-natural, human-grade ingredients.
Vegetarian dog foods
There are dog foods specially formulated for dogs that are allergic to wheat, corn, and/or chicken. There are also vegetarian dog foods marketed to owners who do not want their dogs to consume meat products. Most vegetarian dog foods use soy as a protein source. If your dog has allergies consult your vet before putting him on a specialized diet.
Overall it's usually best to let dogs enjoy dog food and not our food, even though they may prefer what we're eating! Of course you can feed your dog treats from time to time, every dog needs some TLC from time to time!
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Your dog’s health and wellbeing is important to you and your family. Not to mention keeping down the cost of veterinarian bills! So you need to carefully consider the food that you give your dog. People sometimes just pick the first dog food bag they see at the store. It’s easy to overlook the importance of dog food but it is essential to pick the right one for your dog.
To keep your dog healthy he needs plenty of fresh water and should be fed good quality dog food in amounts just right to meet his energy requirements. Always follow the guidelines on the dog food package for recommended feeding amounts.
Picking a dog food
The first challenge in choosing a dog food is picking one that has overall quality. The term that comes up a lot about dog food is human grade. Human grade implies that the dog food is good enough for us to eat. Many commercial dog foods are made from materials unusable or less desirable for human consumption. Often the meat that is used in dog food is of a quality considered unfit for humans to eat.
Major dog food companies try to provide balanced proportions of vitamins and minerals for maximum benefit to your dog. Although you may see that many brands of dog food have almost identical labels, a reputable dog food company will provide an explanation for each supplement and how it benefits your dog.
Always read the label to see what proteins, vitamins and minerals are being provided to your dog. Try not to use store brand dog food they may short change your dog on much needed nutrition.
Studies have shown that the primary ingredient in dog food should be meat-based protein, not corn meal, flour or corn gluten meal. According to reviews a better quality dog food results in a healthier coat, fewer digestive problems and firmer stools. Pet-nutrition experts agree that the best dog food is made from human-grade ingredients like meat, whole grains and vegetables. Premium dog food is so important because good nutrition is essential for a long, healthy life.
Types of dog food
There are many varieties of dog food to choose from. The three most popular types of dog foods are dry, semi-moist and canned products. Check the color of your dog food. Usually dog food made from natural ingredients will have soft earth tones and contain no preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.
Raw dog food is becoming more popular. More and more veterinarians recommend feeding your dog with raw dog food. They feel that this is the best choice and is the healthiest food for your dog. After all, you've never seen your dog enjoy commercial dog food the way he enjoys a good meaty bone.
Raw food advocates concede the diet costs more than traditional dog food, but they argue it's worth it. You may find that locating free natural home made dog food recipes is not easy. Try making a mixture of ground turkey, rice and carrot as your own dog food. Your dog will thank you for it.
If you decide to go the commercial route, try and choose a good premium dog food since it contains more energy and protein than an economy brand. Unfortunately not all dog food brands contain high quality and natural ingredients, so always check the label. It is best if you seek advice from your veterinarian before deciding on which dog food to feed your dog or puppy. He will know your dog’s dietary needs and you will find that veterinary offices and feed stores often carry excellent and natural dog food.
All Natural Dog Food
Many natural dog foods contain only fresh, natural and wholesome ingredients for your dog. Not only are the protein ingredients digestible, but the carbohydrates in the dog food are digestible. Natural dog food has 100% nutritional value which is important for healthy strong dogs. Chicken, egg and fish are examples of protein that is provided in natural dog food. There are also ingredients in natural dog food that really help the health of your dog’s skin and also your dog’s coat. One of the main draw backs of natural dog food is that it has a shorter shelf life and may spoil before it is used.
Dried Dog Food
A good high quality dry dog food will work out to be more economical than the generic brands even though they cost more per pound. A vast majority of dog owners go for dry dog food for its convenience and ease of storage. The cheaper dry dog foods are made from soybean, corn or rice, while many premium dry dog foods are made with all-natural, human-grade ingredients.
Vegetarian dog foods
There are dog foods specially formulated for dogs that are allergic to wheat, corn, and/or chicken. There are also vegetarian dog foods marketed to owners who do not want their dogs to consume meat products. Most vegetarian dog foods use soy as a protein source. If your dog has allergies consult your vet before putting him on a specialized diet.
Overall it's usually best to let dogs enjoy dog food and not our food, even though they may prefer what we're eating! Of course you can feed your dog treats from time to time, every dog needs some TLC from time to time!
Post your comments about this topic, thanks!
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Best Dog Accessories
People need accessories to accentuate the beauty of a certain thing. Though, there are times that they buy accessories in order to protect the product against harmful elements in the environment.
All of these concepts go the same way when applied to taking care of dogs. People who are into dogs know how important dog accessories are. In fact, many dog lovers even contend that buying dog accessories gives the same satisfaction as shopping for accessories is to women.
Today, there many dog accessories available in the market and choosing the best dog accessories can be very wearisome. So, it’s important to know the factors that need to be taken into consideration before buying them. Here are some tips on what to look for when buying dog accessories.
1. Dog collars
There are varieties of dog collars available in the market today, ranging from plain to fancy. Whatever type or design one may prefer, the most important thing to consider is that it should properly fit to the dog. It should never be too loose or too tight. Experts say that the ideal space between the dog’s neck and the collar should be two fingers wide.
2. Dog leash
If the owner is fond of bringing his dog to the park or just for a walk around the corner, it is best to buy a quality leash. It should provide convenience both for the dog owner and the dog.
3. Food and water bowls
Dogs are like people too. That is why it is important to buy them quality food bowls and water bowls that will not be easily tripped or spill over.
4. Dog toys
Most dogs are fond of playing, so, it’s best to give them toys to gnash, chew, or bite with. Having his own things will make him more behaved instead of chewing the slippers or shoes.
5. Doghouses
When placed outside, dogs should have their own place for shelter. This is to keep them away from direct sunlight or from the rains.
Indeed, choosing the best dog accessories are relatively important. The point here is that if dog owners know how to respect their dogs by giving them the things that they need, chances are, their dogs will give them the respect and service that their masters are expecting from them.
So, it’s important to bear in mind that the next time people decide on buying a dog, it’s best to buy them their accessories as well.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
All of these concepts go the same way when applied to taking care of dogs. People who are into dogs know how important dog accessories are. In fact, many dog lovers even contend that buying dog accessories gives the same satisfaction as shopping for accessories is to women.
Today, there many dog accessories available in the market and choosing the best dog accessories can be very wearisome. So, it’s important to know the factors that need to be taken into consideration before buying them. Here are some tips on what to look for when buying dog accessories.
1. Dog collars
There are varieties of dog collars available in the market today, ranging from plain to fancy. Whatever type or design one may prefer, the most important thing to consider is that it should properly fit to the dog. It should never be too loose or too tight. Experts say that the ideal space between the dog’s neck and the collar should be two fingers wide.
2. Dog leash
If the owner is fond of bringing his dog to the park or just for a walk around the corner, it is best to buy a quality leash. It should provide convenience both for the dog owner and the dog.
3. Food and water bowls
Dogs are like people too. That is why it is important to buy them quality food bowls and water bowls that will not be easily tripped or spill over.
4. Dog toys
Most dogs are fond of playing, so, it’s best to give them toys to gnash, chew, or bite with. Having his own things will make him more behaved instead of chewing the slippers or shoes.
5. Doghouses
When placed outside, dogs should have their own place for shelter. This is to keep them away from direct sunlight or from the rains.
Indeed, choosing the best dog accessories are relatively important. The point here is that if dog owners know how to respect their dogs by giving them the things that they need, chances are, their dogs will give them the respect and service that their masters are expecting from them.
So, it’s important to bear in mind that the next time people decide on buying a dog, it’s best to buy them their accessories as well.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Owning A Dog Can Improve Your Health
Have you ever had the pleasure of having a dog as a pet?
Are you aware of the many health benefits that owning a dog can bring?
I am a bit biased I suppose because I have always loved having a dog around the house, but I find it hard to understand why more people do not take the plunge and own a dog.
In this article I write about the ways in which a dog can help and improve peoples health.
Owning a dog can help people who are often stressed out in their life. Going out in the garden or in the local park and throwing a ball to my dog to fetch, often brings a smile to my face. I can see my dog wagging her tail in enjoyment as she retrieves the ball, she then drops the ball at my feet in the hope that I will throw it again. As she runs full speed after the ball again, I just stand their in amazement at the sheer power of her. Being somebody myself who has always struggled to cope with stress, I find this whole experience helps me in a number of ways. As well as bringing the smile to my face as previously mentioned, which of course is showing that I am happy, this game is helping me to take my mind off all of the things that I was worrying about.
When back in the house the dog shows me a lot of love and likes to cuddle up with various members of our family on the sofa, including me of course. This makes our home so much cosier and warmer, this itself helps in reducing the amount that I stress. The warmth and love always makes me feel better and helps me to think in a more positive way. There is nothing worse for somebody like myself than spending long periods on my own as this makes my mind start to wonder, I basically start to think too much about aspects of my life and the future. This thinking is probably better described as worrying.
Taking the dog on these walks to the park is also a great form of exercise for me. I am sure that I do not have to explain the health benefits of exercise to the readers of this article, but you can see that this is another good reason for owning a dog. When walking the dog, the fresh air and the time away from the house helps me to clear my mind. As an example, if my wife or children are starting to annoy or nag me, which in turn can lead me to becoming a bit stressed, this is then the time that I will put the dog on her lead and take her for a walk. Sometimes I do this eight times a day! I hope that when I return home that the house will be a lot calmer and a more relaxed place to be.
As you can probably tell, I gain a lot of pleasure out of having a dog as a pet and I am sure that more people could as well, if only they were willing to give it a try.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Are you aware of the many health benefits that owning a dog can bring?
I am a bit biased I suppose because I have always loved having a dog around the house, but I find it hard to understand why more people do not take the plunge and own a dog.
In this article I write about the ways in which a dog can help and improve peoples health.
Owning a dog can help people who are often stressed out in their life. Going out in the garden or in the local park and throwing a ball to my dog to fetch, often brings a smile to my face. I can see my dog wagging her tail in enjoyment as she retrieves the ball, she then drops the ball at my feet in the hope that I will throw it again. As she runs full speed after the ball again, I just stand their in amazement at the sheer power of her. Being somebody myself who has always struggled to cope with stress, I find this whole experience helps me in a number of ways. As well as bringing the smile to my face as previously mentioned, which of course is showing that I am happy, this game is helping me to take my mind off all of the things that I was worrying about.
When back in the house the dog shows me a lot of love and likes to cuddle up with various members of our family on the sofa, including me of course. This makes our home so much cosier and warmer, this itself helps in reducing the amount that I stress. The warmth and love always makes me feel better and helps me to think in a more positive way. There is nothing worse for somebody like myself than spending long periods on my own as this makes my mind start to wonder, I basically start to think too much about aspects of my life and the future. This thinking is probably better described as worrying.
Taking the dog on these walks to the park is also a great form of exercise for me. I am sure that I do not have to explain the health benefits of exercise to the readers of this article, but you can see that this is another good reason for owning a dog. When walking the dog, the fresh air and the time away from the house helps me to clear my mind. As an example, if my wife or children are starting to annoy or nag me, which in turn can lead me to becoming a bit stressed, this is then the time that I will put the dog on her lead and take her for a walk. Sometimes I do this eight times a day! I hope that when I return home that the house will be a lot calmer and a more relaxed place to be.
As you can probably tell, I gain a lot of pleasure out of having a dog as a pet and I am sure that more people could as well, if only they were willing to give it a try.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Would A Raw Diet Be Best For My Dog?
There has been a lot of debate recently over what types of food are best for dogs, commercial food versus homemade food, raw food, cooked food, etc. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with all of these diets, and in this article, we will cover the views on the raw food diet for your dog, covering both sides of the issue, so that you can make your own decision.
There are many benefits that your dog will receive from being on a raw diet, according to some vets. If you choose to allow your dog to have bones, then some say that their teeth will stay in better shape, and will be cleaner, than those on other diets. This could potentially mean less money that you have to spend on dental care at the vet’s office, which is considered to be an added bonus for you, the dog’s owner.
Many dogs’ digestive systems are better able to tolerate raw food than commercial dog foods that are filled with by-products and preservatives. You also don’t have to worry as much about potential food allergies, since you know exactly what is in the food that you are giving to your dog.
Another belief is that dogs that are on raw diets have significantly reduced risk of becoming obese, which can cause many serious health problems, just as it does for humans. They are only eating what they need, without getting all of the fillers that many commercial dog foods contain, which cuts out excess calories.
One of the most common complaints that dog owners have about a raw diet is that it takes a lot longer for them to prepare their dog’s food than normal. They can’t just go to a bag and scoop out kibble into a bowl; they have to actually prepare the food, much as they would for themselves. You have to have enough meat on hand to feed your dog, you have to measure out the correct amount, and then mix it with the proper amount of vegetables, and bones if you choose to go that route. You have to determine how much food your dog should eat each day, depending on his or her ideal body weight, and then either prepare the food on a daily basis, or prepare it in batches and store it in the freezer until it is needed. Either way, you have a lot more time invested in the entire process, and for busy families, this isn’t always an option.
When you purchase meat, depending on where you live, it can be pretty expensive, so you will likely have to spend more money on a raw diet than you would a commercial dog food diet. To make this option more affordable, you will need to look for sales and then buy as much as you can afford and store it appropriately, which could also mean investing in a separate freezer, if you don’t already have one on hand.
Anytime you think about raw meat, you have to think about parasites and bacteria, which could be potentially harmful for your dog. Some meats are more dangerous than others, for example pork, but in general, you should be okay. Raw beef and chicken usually don’t pose any problems for dogs, as long as it is stored properly at the correct temperatures.
You will need to decide whether or not to give your dog bones. Some vets say that you should never give your dog any kind of bone, because they could choke, or the bones could damage their digestive system, but others say as long as you are careful about the types of bones you give, this isn’t a problem. Many advocates of the raw diet grind bones up and mix them in, but again, that is your choice.
If you are thinking about putting your dog on a raw diet, you need to take the time to look at all of the information you can find, and then make your own decision based on your findings. The raw diet requires a commitment from you the dog owner, both financially, and time-wise, if you aren’t prepared for that, or aren’t certain that is the way you want to go, then you might want to think about other options.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
There are many benefits that your dog will receive from being on a raw diet, according to some vets. If you choose to allow your dog to have bones, then some say that their teeth will stay in better shape, and will be cleaner, than those on other diets. This could potentially mean less money that you have to spend on dental care at the vet’s office, which is considered to be an added bonus for you, the dog’s owner.
Many dogs’ digestive systems are better able to tolerate raw food than commercial dog foods that are filled with by-products and preservatives. You also don’t have to worry as much about potential food allergies, since you know exactly what is in the food that you are giving to your dog.
Another belief is that dogs that are on raw diets have significantly reduced risk of becoming obese, which can cause many serious health problems, just as it does for humans. They are only eating what they need, without getting all of the fillers that many commercial dog foods contain, which cuts out excess calories.
One of the most common complaints that dog owners have about a raw diet is that it takes a lot longer for them to prepare their dog’s food than normal. They can’t just go to a bag and scoop out kibble into a bowl; they have to actually prepare the food, much as they would for themselves. You have to have enough meat on hand to feed your dog, you have to measure out the correct amount, and then mix it with the proper amount of vegetables, and bones if you choose to go that route. You have to determine how much food your dog should eat each day, depending on his or her ideal body weight, and then either prepare the food on a daily basis, or prepare it in batches and store it in the freezer until it is needed. Either way, you have a lot more time invested in the entire process, and for busy families, this isn’t always an option.
When you purchase meat, depending on where you live, it can be pretty expensive, so you will likely have to spend more money on a raw diet than you would a commercial dog food diet. To make this option more affordable, you will need to look for sales and then buy as much as you can afford and store it appropriately, which could also mean investing in a separate freezer, if you don’t already have one on hand.
Anytime you think about raw meat, you have to think about parasites and bacteria, which could be potentially harmful for your dog. Some meats are more dangerous than others, for example pork, but in general, you should be okay. Raw beef and chicken usually don’t pose any problems for dogs, as long as it is stored properly at the correct temperatures.
You will need to decide whether or not to give your dog bones. Some vets say that you should never give your dog any kind of bone, because they could choke, or the bones could damage their digestive system, but others say as long as you are careful about the types of bones you give, this isn’t a problem. Many advocates of the raw diet grind bones up and mix them in, but again, that is your choice.
If you are thinking about putting your dog on a raw diet, you need to take the time to look at all of the information you can find, and then make your own decision based on your findings. The raw diet requires a commitment from you the dog owner, both financially, and time-wise, if you aren’t prepared for that, or aren’t certain that is the way you want to go, then you might want to think about other options.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Your Dogs Diet - Feeding Fables That Every Dog Owner Should Know
Pet dogs nutrition hasn't become as laden with diet fads as have human meal planning. But it has accumulated a number of myths which survive the ridicule of the veterinary profession. As you acquire a dog, your more experienced friends will shower you with advice, which may include some of the following affirmations:
- "A clove of garlic keeps worms away" Garlic has enjoyed a reputation for centuries in the folk medicine of many cultures as an antiseptic, a treatment for high blood pressure, etc. But if your dog really does have worms, (and most of them do at one time or another), the quickest way to get rid of them is to have your veterinarian give him a specific worming medicine under his supervision.
- "Raw meat makes a dog vicious" Raw or cooked meat is essential to a dogs nutrition. Fifty percent is the standard ration, and it may compare as much as 75 percent of his diet. If he is fed only meat, he may become high strung, not because the meat is raw, but because he is being given an unbalanced diet.
- "A sugar cube dipped in coffee is good for a dogs heart" It is particularly good for his morale, because it probably means that he is sharing your after dinner coffee with you. Give it occasionally as a harmless treat, but not as a regular "medicine", and not as a heart remedy.
- "Dogs cannot digest starch" They cannot digest uncooked starch, but they can cope with most cooked ones such as rice, whole wheat bread, and macaroni. However, dogs do not receive much nourishment from these foods.
- "Sugar causes worms" Sugar is quick source of energy for dogs, as it is far us. Worms are caused by worm larvae. A puppy may get worms from his mother, and an adult dog may get them from infected food or drink, from the saliva or feces of an infected dog, or from swallowing fleas and lice which act as hosts to tapeworm eggs- but never from sugar.
- "Raw eggs improve dog's coat" A raw egg yolk from time to time enriches a dog's diet. Cooked eggs are an acceptable substitute for meat in an emergency. But the best coat conditioner is far, especially unsaturated fat, rich in vitamin E, such as linseed and wheat germ oil. The eggs reputation as a coat conditioner is probably due to the fact that yolk is mostly fat.
- "Milk causes diarrhea in an adult dog" Milk is healthy for all dogs. A bowl of milk with a beaten egg yolk and a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast or dog biscuits is a standard supper dish in many kennels. There are various causes for diarrhea, including internal parasites, indigestion, a change of diet, food poisoning, certain contagious diseases- and sometime, but not always, milk.
Knowledge and concern are important in feeding a growing puppy whose nutrition is the foundation of his future health. But common sense is all you need to feed an adult dog correctly, as his own experience will help guide you most of the way.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
- "A clove of garlic keeps worms away" Garlic has enjoyed a reputation for centuries in the folk medicine of many cultures as an antiseptic, a treatment for high blood pressure, etc. But if your dog really does have worms, (and most of them do at one time or another), the quickest way to get rid of them is to have your veterinarian give him a specific worming medicine under his supervision.
- "Raw meat makes a dog vicious" Raw or cooked meat is essential to a dogs nutrition. Fifty percent is the standard ration, and it may compare as much as 75 percent of his diet. If he is fed only meat, he may become high strung, not because the meat is raw, but because he is being given an unbalanced diet.
- "A sugar cube dipped in coffee is good for a dogs heart" It is particularly good for his morale, because it probably means that he is sharing your after dinner coffee with you. Give it occasionally as a harmless treat, but not as a regular "medicine", and not as a heart remedy.
- "Dogs cannot digest starch" They cannot digest uncooked starch, but they can cope with most cooked ones such as rice, whole wheat bread, and macaroni. However, dogs do not receive much nourishment from these foods.
- "Sugar causes worms" Sugar is quick source of energy for dogs, as it is far us. Worms are caused by worm larvae. A puppy may get worms from his mother, and an adult dog may get them from infected food or drink, from the saliva or feces of an infected dog, or from swallowing fleas and lice which act as hosts to tapeworm eggs- but never from sugar.
- "Raw eggs improve dog's coat" A raw egg yolk from time to time enriches a dog's diet. Cooked eggs are an acceptable substitute for meat in an emergency. But the best coat conditioner is far, especially unsaturated fat, rich in vitamin E, such as linseed and wheat germ oil. The eggs reputation as a coat conditioner is probably due to the fact that yolk is mostly fat.
- "Milk causes diarrhea in an adult dog" Milk is healthy for all dogs. A bowl of milk with a beaten egg yolk and a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast or dog biscuits is a standard supper dish in many kennels. There are various causes for diarrhea, including internal parasites, indigestion, a change of diet, food poisoning, certain contagious diseases- and sometime, but not always, milk.
Knowledge and concern are important in feeding a growing puppy whose nutrition is the foundation of his future health. But common sense is all you need to feed an adult dog correctly, as his own experience will help guide you most of the way.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
5 Great Tips On Building A Dog House
ver 50% of the population allows their dog to stay indoors and sleep on the couch or in their owner’s bed. For those of you who are interested in building a dog house for you beloved pet here are some simple rules to follow when considering what type of shelter you want to provide.
1. You should begin your dog house building process by making sure the house is big enough to accommodate your animal’s potential adult size. Humans enjoy having about 2 feet of air above us in a room in order to live without feeling claustrophobic. Your dog will probably also enjoy having that much room. The comfort zone for both humans and dogs is about 1/3 of their standing height. To figure out how much room the dog will need get out a tape measure and measure your dog. Measure him standing straight up, sitting on his haunches and above all measure the full dimension of the dog when he is the most comfortable, relaxed and stretched out position he can get into. Your dog should be able to look out the front entrance while both standing up and sitting. So the dog will not have to significantly lover his front shoulders or scrape his belly make sure that entrance is high enough. Stand over the dog and measure the width of the widest point of the animal’s shoulders.
2. Remember to raise the dog house several inches from the ground to allow air and water to flow underneath. To dissuade pests from invading the dog house and taking your dogs health into consideration remember how important ventilation is. Put in a few nickel-sized holes in the walls under the eaves. Install a wind block inside the house so the dog can use the heat of its own body to warm up the area if it is really cold or windy outside. Consider adding a partial wall which will allow your dog to escape the bad weather. Your animal can choose to just sleep in the entry room or go around the inner archway maze wall into the inner sanctum. Your beloved pet would probably love having a pillow or some sort of bedding to sleep on.
3. To avoid rain coming into the dog house make the floor just a bit slanted toward the doorway and build the roof a little bit slanted, as well. Make sure the house is well insulated but you should not paint the inside.
4. In the United States most storms come from the south and west so make sure the dog house faces a different direction. Most dog house plans suggest that the dog house door faces east. The cold air will not be able to whip through the entryway then.
5. It is suggested that you put hinges on the roof of the dog house. This makes it easier for you to clean out your dog’s home. You should clean the dog’s house as often as you give your dog a bath.
If your dog lives outside then he deserves to have a comfortable place to sleep and get out of harsh weather. Hopefully these easy tips on building a dog house will help you get started.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
1. You should begin your dog house building process by making sure the house is big enough to accommodate your animal’s potential adult size. Humans enjoy having about 2 feet of air above us in a room in order to live without feeling claustrophobic. Your dog will probably also enjoy having that much room. The comfort zone for both humans and dogs is about 1/3 of their standing height. To figure out how much room the dog will need get out a tape measure and measure your dog. Measure him standing straight up, sitting on his haunches and above all measure the full dimension of the dog when he is the most comfortable, relaxed and stretched out position he can get into. Your dog should be able to look out the front entrance while both standing up and sitting. So the dog will not have to significantly lover his front shoulders or scrape his belly make sure that entrance is high enough. Stand over the dog and measure the width of the widest point of the animal’s shoulders.
2. Remember to raise the dog house several inches from the ground to allow air and water to flow underneath. To dissuade pests from invading the dog house and taking your dogs health into consideration remember how important ventilation is. Put in a few nickel-sized holes in the walls under the eaves. Install a wind block inside the house so the dog can use the heat of its own body to warm up the area if it is really cold or windy outside. Consider adding a partial wall which will allow your dog to escape the bad weather. Your animal can choose to just sleep in the entry room or go around the inner archway maze wall into the inner sanctum. Your beloved pet would probably love having a pillow or some sort of bedding to sleep on.
3. To avoid rain coming into the dog house make the floor just a bit slanted toward the doorway and build the roof a little bit slanted, as well. Make sure the house is well insulated but you should not paint the inside.
4. In the United States most storms come from the south and west so make sure the dog house faces a different direction. Most dog house plans suggest that the dog house door faces east. The cold air will not be able to whip through the entryway then.
5. It is suggested that you put hinges on the roof of the dog house. This makes it easier for you to clean out your dog’s home. You should clean the dog’s house as often as you give your dog a bath.
If your dog lives outside then he deserves to have a comfortable place to sleep and get out of harsh weather. Hopefully these easy tips on building a dog house will help you get started.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Achieving Dog Training Success With The 18 "Don'ts" Rules
A well-train dog usually leads a happier and healthier life and its owner also can enjoy a trouble-free life long companion. Dog training - basic obedience, house and potty training are therefore essential and important to a dog’s education.
The conventional method of dog training tips and guide would be to list a series of things that you should “Do” and you might even know the A-Z of dog training! But sometimes what should be done can be said best by telling what should not be done. Hope you agree with me!
This article seeks to list 18 “Don’t” when you train your dog. The reasons for the don'ts will become evident as the lessons continue and each one is based upon the distinctive psychology of the dog's mind.
1. DON'T punish your dog while you are angry or lack control of yourself.
2. DON'T punish your dog with the lead or any instrument of training or anything he should associate with duty or pleasure.
3. DON'T sneak up on your dog or grab him from the rear.
4. DON'T chase your dog to catch him; he must come to you or run after you.
5. DON'T coax your dog to you and then turn upon him with the whip. You will regret the deception.
6. DON'T trick or fool or taunt your dog. It is cruel and inconsistent to tease your dog to come to you when he can not.
7. DON'T punish a dog by stepping on his paws needlessly. They are exceedingly sensitive. Don't twist his ears playfully or otherwise. Never strike him on the backbone, in the face or on the ears.
8. DON'T grab your dog or reach for him quickly. He should never fear his master, should not be made nervous by his master, and should feel that punishment given is deserved.
9. DON'T nag your dog; don't be giving orders to him constantly; don't pester him with your shoutings.
10. DON'T praise a dog for doing a certain act, then at a later time, scold him for doing the same act. If you permit him to bite your toes today and think it fun, do not strike him for doing it tomorrow, when you are not in good humor. Consistency is a chief virtue in dog training.
11. DON'T train your dog immediately or soon after he has eaten.
12. DON'T lose patience with a puppy younger than six months. Never throw or kick a puppy nor lift him by the head or leg or skin of the neck.
13. DON'T train him in feats requiring much strength or endurance until he is at least six months old.
14. DON'T work your dog without some short rest or play periods during training. A five-minute rest for every fifteen minutes of training is desirable.
15. DON'T permit everyone to give commands to your dog. While you are training him, he must be a one-man dog, depending on you alone to feed him and care for him.
16. DON'T consider tricks the chief end or the chief part of training. Usefulness is the object sought in all instruction of the dog. Acts that spring naturally from the dog's instincts are to be fostered.
17. DON'T expect your dog to be a wonderful dog after a few weeks of training; four months to a year may be necessary in order to make the master proud of him, but the work is worth the effort. Training never ends.
18. DON'T jump to the conclusion that your dog is dumb. He may differ with you believing that the trainer should know more than the dog.
To end, try to remember these 18 Don’ts rules, enjoy training your dog and most importantly have lots of fun along the way!
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
The conventional method of dog training tips and guide would be to list a series of things that you should “Do” and you might even know the A-Z of dog training! But sometimes what should be done can be said best by telling what should not be done. Hope you agree with me!
This article seeks to list 18 “Don’t” when you train your dog. The reasons for the don'ts will become evident as the lessons continue and each one is based upon the distinctive psychology of the dog's mind.
1. DON'T punish your dog while you are angry or lack control of yourself.
2. DON'T punish your dog with the lead or any instrument of training or anything he should associate with duty or pleasure.
3. DON'T sneak up on your dog or grab him from the rear.
4. DON'T chase your dog to catch him; he must come to you or run after you.
5. DON'T coax your dog to you and then turn upon him with the whip. You will regret the deception.
6. DON'T trick or fool or taunt your dog. It is cruel and inconsistent to tease your dog to come to you when he can not.
7. DON'T punish a dog by stepping on his paws needlessly. They are exceedingly sensitive. Don't twist his ears playfully or otherwise. Never strike him on the backbone, in the face or on the ears.
8. DON'T grab your dog or reach for him quickly. He should never fear his master, should not be made nervous by his master, and should feel that punishment given is deserved.
9. DON'T nag your dog; don't be giving orders to him constantly; don't pester him with your shoutings.
10. DON'T praise a dog for doing a certain act, then at a later time, scold him for doing the same act. If you permit him to bite your toes today and think it fun, do not strike him for doing it tomorrow, when you are not in good humor. Consistency is a chief virtue in dog training.
11. DON'T train your dog immediately or soon after he has eaten.
12. DON'T lose patience with a puppy younger than six months. Never throw or kick a puppy nor lift him by the head or leg or skin of the neck.
13. DON'T train him in feats requiring much strength or endurance until he is at least six months old.
14. DON'T work your dog without some short rest or play periods during training. A five-minute rest for every fifteen minutes of training is desirable.
15. DON'T permit everyone to give commands to your dog. While you are training him, he must be a one-man dog, depending on you alone to feed him and care for him.
16. DON'T consider tricks the chief end or the chief part of training. Usefulness is the object sought in all instruction of the dog. Acts that spring naturally from the dog's instincts are to be fostered.
17. DON'T expect your dog to be a wonderful dog after a few weeks of training; four months to a year may be necessary in order to make the master proud of him, but the work is worth the effort. Training never ends.
18. DON'T jump to the conclusion that your dog is dumb. He may differ with you believing that the trainer should know more than the dog.
To end, try to remember these 18 Don’ts rules, enjoy training your dog and most importantly have lots of fun along the way!
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
A Look At Unique Pet Supplies For Dogs
If you have a pet, then you are undoubtedly in the market for pet supplies and plenty of them. If that’s the case, you are in luck because there is a world full of pet products just waiting to be purchased and a lot of eager pets waiting to try them out. We all know about pet beds and brushes, toys and other goodies, which is why this article is aimed at focusing on unique pet supplies and why they are important to your furry little friend.
A harness is often used to walk dogs that are strong or tend to pull their masters when walking. If you have a larger breed dog and he/she isn’t well mannered on a walk, this could end with you being in pain if the dog pulls frequently or changes direction without notice. Smaller dogs are easy to control, but larger dogs often need a harness. This is one of the best pet supplies in existence because it reduces pulling on both your dog and, in turn, your dog pulling on you. A harness is made of either fabric or leather, just as standard collars, and fits comfortably around the dogs legs and chest. While wearing a harness, the dog is prevented from pulling as hard and will result in less injury to it’s owner. Depending on the material and manufacturer, a dog harness can often be found for as little as $10.00 and will go up from there.
Did you know that one of the latest crazes in pet supplies is a seat belt? Well, it’s true. If you’re dog is known to wander around inside the vehicle, this may pose as a distraction and is not a safe situation. Therefore, some manufacturers have introduced a seat belt, which connects to the buckle of most automobiles and secures your dog safely in a seat.
If you are house training a new puppy or trying to retrain an adult dog, training pads may be the pet supplies that you have been looking for. These pads feature a scent that will draw your dog to it’s location when he/she has to use the bathroom. This always beats having to clean up a mess on the carpet and, even better yet, they are disposable.
Pet supplies are everywhere, including online and at most retail stores. Perhaps the largest variety of pet supplies is found on the world wide web simply because it has a wider reach than most local stores. Everything from beds to litter boxes and even sporty little outfits is available for your pup, including Halloween costumes.
Amazon Pets is your one-stop shop for all dog supplies. You can find dog supplies including premium dog food, dog health supplies, dog training and behavior products, dog beds, dog feeding supplies and more.
Add your comments below, please, it is very useful for us to know your opinion.

A harness is often used to walk dogs that are strong or tend to pull their masters when walking. If you have a larger breed dog and he/she isn’t well mannered on a walk, this could end with you being in pain if the dog pulls frequently or changes direction without notice. Smaller dogs are easy to control, but larger dogs often need a harness. This is one of the best pet supplies in existence because it reduces pulling on both your dog and, in turn, your dog pulling on you. A harness is made of either fabric or leather, just as standard collars, and fits comfortably around the dogs legs and chest. While wearing a harness, the dog is prevented from pulling as hard and will result in less injury to it’s owner. Depending on the material and manufacturer, a dog harness can often be found for as little as $10.00 and will go up from there.
Did you know that one of the latest crazes in pet supplies is a seat belt? Well, it’s true. If you’re dog is known to wander around inside the vehicle, this may pose as a distraction and is not a safe situation. Therefore, some manufacturers have introduced a seat belt, which connects to the buckle of most automobiles and secures your dog safely in a seat.
If you are house training a new puppy or trying to retrain an adult dog, training pads may be the pet supplies that you have been looking for. These pads feature a scent that will draw your dog to it’s location when he/she has to use the bathroom. This always beats having to clean up a mess on the carpet and, even better yet, they are disposable.
Pet supplies are everywhere, including online and at most retail stores. Perhaps the largest variety of pet supplies is found on the world wide web simply because it has a wider reach than most local stores. Everything from beds to litter boxes and even sporty little outfits is available for your pup, including Halloween costumes.
Amazon Pets is your one-stop shop for all dog supplies. You can find dog supplies including premium dog food, dog health supplies, dog training and behavior products, dog beds, dog feeding supplies and more.
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017
5 Tips For Training Dogs Successfully
Training dogs is not a hard. You just need patience, dedication and some simple tactics and you will teach them successfully.
Here are five top tips on how to train your dogs successfully:
1. To avoid your dog getting confused and so that they can learn to recognize commands easily only one person should be responsible for training the dog initially. If too many people are trying to train the dog at the same time this can stop progress in its tracks.
2. You should use positive reinforcements. If the dog does something good, you should reward this behavior so that he will know that what he did was right. If the dog cannot understand or follow your commands, never push him. Dogs are not as intelligent as humans, they make mistakes. What you should understand is that they won’t easily understand your commands in just one teaching, it takes repetition to train a dog successfully. Do not scold your dog as he might develop fear which will hinder his learning and willingness to be trained. You can use treats in order to encourage your dogs, although don’t overdue it.
3. Teach commands one at a time. Try to teach him one command after the other. If he cannot absorb it, try to stay on that command only because adding additional commands will just confuse the dog. Start with the basics.
4. In executing commands, you should keep your voice cheerful so that the dog will happily follow your commands. Dogs will respond to a low and coaxing voice. If you shout out loud, he may become startled and unresponsive.
5. Train your dog in various places. If you keep your dogs in a certain place like your home, he will not be able to adjust with the environment new people. Take him to the park or through the neighborhood. This will help your dog associate with other dogs and people.
Training your dog can sometime be tough, but it will be worth it. In the end, you will be the one to benefit when your dog is trained. You don’t know he might even save your life one day and pay back everything you taught him.
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Here are five top tips on how to train your dogs successfully:
1. To avoid your dog getting confused and so that they can learn to recognize commands easily only one person should be responsible for training the dog initially. If too many people are trying to train the dog at the same time this can stop progress in its tracks.
2. You should use positive reinforcements. If the dog does something good, you should reward this behavior so that he will know that what he did was right. If the dog cannot understand or follow your commands, never push him. Dogs are not as intelligent as humans, they make mistakes. What you should understand is that they won’t easily understand your commands in just one teaching, it takes repetition to train a dog successfully. Do not scold your dog as he might develop fear which will hinder his learning and willingness to be trained. You can use treats in order to encourage your dogs, although don’t overdue it.
3. Teach commands one at a time. Try to teach him one command after the other. If he cannot absorb it, try to stay on that command only because adding additional commands will just confuse the dog. Start with the basics.
4. In executing commands, you should keep your voice cheerful so that the dog will happily follow your commands. Dogs will respond to a low and coaxing voice. If you shout out loud, he may become startled and unresponsive.
5. Train your dog in various places. If you keep your dogs in a certain place like your home, he will not be able to adjust with the environment new people. Take him to the park or through the neighborhood. This will help your dog associate with other dogs and people.
Training your dog can sometime be tough, but it will be worth it. In the end, you will be the one to benefit when your dog is trained. You don’t know he might even save your life one day and pay back everything you taught him.
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Your Dogs Intelligence - Could Dogs Be Smarter than Their Owners?
The intelligence of the dog is among the highest of all the animals, maybe higher than we give him credit for. Although his brain is proportionately only half as large as ours, he is certainly the most intelligent of domestic animals.
As with humans, individual intelligence varies greatly according to inherited genes. While no one breed can be said to be more intelligent that another, some breeds that have been selectively bred for work ability are often brighter and more receptive than those bred primarily for purely physical attributes.
Whether a dog is a mixed breed for purebred, studies have shown that neither is much more intelligent than the other. However, dogs that have been exposed to a more varied lifestyle, both indoors and out, and with both human and animal interaction, does show more intelligent behavior.
Simply put, giving your dog an opportunity to investigate and manipulate all sorts of objects, to explore all sorts of places, to share all sorts of experiences with you will stimulate his or her intelligence. Aside from getting a lot more out of life, your dog will be eager to learn more and he will learn with increasing ease and rapidity. Nothing is sadder and more wasteful than an intelligent dog that is confined in a kennel and deprived of mental stimulation.
Despite opinions to the contrary, dogs are endowed with an elementary reasoning power. Anyone who has ever owned a dog has often seen him size up a situation and then taken some logical action. Guide dogs for the blind, as well as working and hunting dogs of many breeds constantly have to use their judgment and make decisions.
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Memory is an important component of intelligence. The dog's memory for scents is extraordinary. His visual memory is only fair, but his memory for sounds is very good, since he can remember and identify familiar voices even after an absence of many years. While he builds up a large store of identifiable sounds without the slightest effort, remembering different words requires more concentration.
The dog's capacity for learning is more a matter of memory than of true understanding. He will remember the sequence of cause and effect in his actions, but he is unable to draw broad conclusions from his experience. The greater the variety of experiences and contact with others they have, the quicker they learn, and the more they retain.
Dogs are bound by nature to remain intellectually inferior to man, but we owe them a chance to develop their native intelligence by training, teaching, and working with them as much and as often as we can.
As with humans, individual intelligence varies greatly according to inherited genes. While no one breed can be said to be more intelligent that another, some breeds that have been selectively bred for work ability are often brighter and more receptive than those bred primarily for purely physical attributes.
Whether a dog is a mixed breed for purebred, studies have shown that neither is much more intelligent than the other. However, dogs that have been exposed to a more varied lifestyle, both indoors and out, and with both human and animal interaction, does show more intelligent behavior.
Simply put, giving your dog an opportunity to investigate and manipulate all sorts of objects, to explore all sorts of places, to share all sorts of experiences with you will stimulate his or her intelligence. Aside from getting a lot more out of life, your dog will be eager to learn more and he will learn with increasing ease and rapidity. Nothing is sadder and more wasteful than an intelligent dog that is confined in a kennel and deprived of mental stimulation.
Despite opinions to the contrary, dogs are endowed with an elementary reasoning power. Anyone who has ever owned a dog has often seen him size up a situation and then taken some logical action. Guide dogs for the blind, as well as working and hunting dogs of many breeds constantly have to use their judgment and make decisions.
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Memory is an important component of intelligence. The dog's memory for scents is extraordinary. His visual memory is only fair, but his memory for sounds is very good, since he can remember and identify familiar voices even after an absence of many years. While he builds up a large store of identifiable sounds without the slightest effort, remembering different words requires more concentration.
The dog's capacity for learning is more a matter of memory than of true understanding. He will remember the sequence of cause and effect in his actions, but he is unable to draw broad conclusions from his experience. The greater the variety of experiences and contact with others they have, the quicker they learn, and the more they retain.
Dogs are bound by nature to remain intellectually inferior to man, but we owe them a chance to develop their native intelligence by training, teaching, and working with them as much and as often as we can.
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